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Free program for caregivers starts May 7 at the Chelsea Senior Center

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Joyce Williams for providing this information.)

Do you spend at least 10 hours per week helping a family member or friend with physical care, finances, emotional care or other activities?

The National Kidney Foundation of Michigan (NKFM) can help you meet these challenges at their no-cost health workshop, Building Better Caregivers (BBC), a self-management program geared toward adults age 18 or older who are caregivers.

BBC starts May 7 at the Chelsea Senior Center, Monday afternoons from May 7 through June 19. The classes will meet weekly from 12:30-3:00 p.m. at the Chelsea Senior Center, 512 Washington St.

This program was designed by the developers of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program at Stanford University (referred to as the PATH program in Michigan).

It is held once a week for 2 ½ hours for six weeks. BBC focuses on how caregivers can manage their own health, cope with difficult emotions, explore strategies for managing challenging behaviors from the person they provide care to, and ask for help when they need it.

Registration for BBC is required and space is limited.

To register, please call Jodi Burke or Lisa Hall at 734-222-9800.

To learn more about Building Better Caregivers, or find other PATH classes currently held by the NKFM in Michigan, visit

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