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Help Wally Steinaway fight cancer battle with fundraiser on Oct. 11

Courtesy photo. Wally Steinaway with wife, Carrie and daughter, Ryleigh.
Courtesy photo. Wally Steinaway with wife, Carrie and daughter, Ryleigh.

By Crystal Hayduk

Wally Steinaway has fought this battle before, but this time the enemy is more aggressive.

Ten years ago, Wally was a young father of three small children from a previous marriage and working in book manufacturing at what is now Edwards Brothers Malloy when he was attacked by testicular cancer. He fought back with six months of chemotherapy, and remained on guard with follow-up medical care.

Five years passed with no sign of cancer. “A doctor told me I was cured,” he said.

He had several more years of good health as he moved on with his life. He and his girlfriend, Carrie Harris, invested in a house that was in need of major renovation and remodeling, but Wally looked forward to completing the work himself as a labor of love for his family.

One of the many basket that will be part of the Wally Steinaway benefit.
Photo by Crystal Hayduk. One of the many baskets that will be part of the Wally Steinaway benefit.

He and Carrie were engaged in January, 2012. That summer, the two were blessed with a wonderful and unexpected surprise – Carrie was pregnant.

As autumn progressed, Wally was bothered by back discomfort, assumed to be the result of heavy labor on the house. Despite several months of conservative treatment, the pain worsened.

“I had MRIs and scans. They told me about the tumors on Valentine’s Day last year,” Wally said. The cancer had laid siege in his back and lungs.

This time Wally would wage war against the disease with the support of his new wife and her extended family. “We got married and three days later met with a cancer specialist in Indiana,” he said.

Since then, their daughter,Ryleigh was born, and Carrie has been kept busy caring for both the baby and her husband. Wally lost his ability to work and had to halt progress on the house. He receives treatment at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit. “They’re the closest place that has anything at all for me,” Wally explained.

Wally’s ammunition has included chemotherapy followed by radiation. He reports that he’s currently in the “washout period” when the radiation leaves his body before he can begin a new treatment. “Now I’m waiting for the doctors to decide what to do next. Waiting is sometimes the hardest part of this thing,” Wally said, shaking his head.

A chocolate lover's basket that will be raffled off at the benefit.
Photo by Crystal Hayduk. A chocolate lover’s basket that will be raffled off at the benefit.

Carrie’s family members have been some of Wally’s strongest supporters. Sister-in-law Miranda Torcolacci has been promoting a fundraiser to take place on Oct. 11, while his mother-in-law, Connie Harris, and her sisters are handling the picnic-style lunch event, with pulled pork contributed by Donna Perrine of Memorable Creations Catering based in Jackson.

Connie said that the whole family has helped to gather items for the themed gift baskets that will be raffled away at the fundraiser. They have shared their creative talent for hospitality as they developed a wide variety of themed baskets, including Michigan-made food and beverage products, sports teams, movie themes, a chocolate-lovers basket, a spa basket, and a BBQ basket.

“Yes, there are a couple of Frozen baskets with Olaf toys, too,” she said with a laugh. “I love them all – it’s hard to tell which one is my favorite.” Restaurant gift cards will also be raffled.

“From the time that Wally came into our family, he was a fantastic helper. He and my husband, Mike, bonded instantly on doing any project together. He was a go-getter on helping with remodeling at Miranda’s house – from knocking down walls to putting in floors. If something went wrong with a car, he was right there to help work on it. So when this cancer happened to Wally, it was a big blow to him.

With love from Michigan. A basket that will be raffled off at the benefit.
Photo by Crystal Hayduk. With love from Michigan. Another of the baskets that will be raffled off at the benefit.

He was the one to help out whenever he could. Now he is the one who needs help and he doesn’t like (being in that role). He is a great guy and we all love him very much,” Connie said.

Funds raised at the event will primarily help to pay for medical bills and medications that have not been covered by health insurance. Wally and Carrie also have to fill their car’s gas tank for medical appointments in Detroit and pay for parking while at Karmanos.

“The best thing is having a good support team,” Wally said. “That’s a lot of what helps me every day.”

Enlist in Wally’s fight:

Share a picnic lunch on Oct. 11 from 1-5 p.m. at the Chelsea Fairgrounds Service Center on Oct. 11 from 1-5 p.m., 20501West Old US-12. Hot dogs and pulled pork will be served for a donation.

Purchase raffle tickets at the picnic. Prizes will be themed gift baskets and restaurant gift cards. You do not need to be present to win.

Buy baked goods at the picnic.

Not available on Oct. 11? Monetary donations can be made here.

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