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January: take part in National Book Blitz


(Chelsea Update would like to thank Julia Strimer for the information in this story.)

It’s time to rededicate yourself to completing a book or two as we celebrate National Book Blitz Month in January.

Here are some simple tips for getting into the swing of the celebration:

  1. Set a book-reading goal on how many books you want to read this month.
  2. Listen to an audio book.
  3. Get a reading buddy and read a book together.
  4. Swap books with others, choosing those you’ve enjoyed most.
  5. Read every day, even if only for five minutes.
  6. Take a trip to the library.
  7. Choose a book or genre you’ve never read before.
  8. Re-read a book you really loved, even as a child.
  9. Ask your grandchild to suggest a book you can read together.
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