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Learn About Faith in Action: Help Stock the Food Pantry

By Lisa Carolin

During the winter months, donations tend to slow down at Faith in Action. That doesn’t mean the need is any less. In January, FIA did 166 food orders at the Chelsea Pantry.

“This is the time of year we are at our lowest for pantry inventory and food drives,” said Sarah Shugart, executive director of FIA. “Every food order we do saves money for families, which they can use for other household expenses. The value of a food order for a family of three is about $100.”

Anyone can start a food drive or fundraiser and invite others in the community to participate. From Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops and school clubs to organizations like the Kiwanis Club and Material Girls, raising money and raising awareness is what keeps FIA able to help those in need year-round. 

Whether you create a friendly rivalry between school clubs to see who can raise more money or between church groups to see who can fill more bags of food with groceries, individual and small group efforts are an integral part of keeping FIA’s food pantry filled.

Non-perishable items can be dropped off anytime during FIA’s business hours, which are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, and 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Wednesdays. FIA Chelsea is located at 603 S. Main St., just inside the north entrance of the Chelsea Hospital campus.

FIA’s top food pantry needs for February are:

  • Chef Boyardee/Manwich
  • Coffee/Tea/Drink Mix
  • Toilet Paper/Paper Towel
  • Baking Items
  • Spaghetti Sauce
  • Canned Soup
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Shelf Stable Juice
  • Snack Items
  • Cooking Oil/spices
  • Cleaning products and personal products are always needed.

Faith In Action, the Chelsea-based nonprofit organization, is an assistance and resource center working to alleviate the effects of hunger and poverty in our community.         

To learn more, call FIA Chelsea at 734-475-3305 or go to

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