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Letter to the Editor: Candidates Urge Support for LGBTQIA Community After Hate Flyer Posting

Dear Editor:

I would like to thank four Chelsea school board candidates for their responses to a misleading and hateful flyer that was posted in some public locations around town.

Their immediate response to something that was based on hatred toward the transgender community was to post statements of support for all students and adults in Chelsea who are transgender or otherwise part of the LGBTQIA community. The first response I saw included a link to raise funds for a well known organization that provides education about and support for the LGBTQIA community.

We all would like to know who is responsible for such a despicable poster and its dissemination.

The candidates I support have all seen straight to the heart of the matter, ignored their own legitimate sense of anger at having their names used falsely, and united behind calling the community to respond with love and support for the people who are truly injured by this kind of flyer: the LGBTQIA community.

It is clear that Glenn Fox, Michelle Craig, Kate Henson and Scott Moore understand that the REAL victims of this kind of behavior are the members of the LGBTQIA community.

Thank you, Glenn Fox, Michelle Craig, Kate Henson and Scott Moore. You truly have the best interests of our children at the forefront of your hearts and minds. You are the best school board candidates for the job.

Diane Jonas Locker

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