Dear Editor:
As often happens at election time, I am seeing letters with false or misleading information. I’d like to address this and point out available resources for facts.
First, I have not filed to run as an independent candidate for clerk despite what Arly Spink claims in her letter to the editor from July 12. Several people have encouraged me to stay because they do not want to lose a fourth clerk, but at this time I am not running.
You can always check Washtenaw County’s website for an updated list of candidates.
Before you cast your vote, please make sure you get the facts straight. The Lima Township Hall continues to be a contentious issue in our town. Most of the views I hear are fueled by emotion rather than fact. Meeting minutes are available on the township website.
These minutes are board approved and are therefore a more accurate representation of what has (or has not) been accomplished in the past four years. Of particular interest to Lima Township Voters may be the meeting minutes from the Township Hall Public Information Session on April 29, 2024 which has background on the construction project, details about the size of the renovation vs size of the addition, and summarizes residents’ concerns.
You can also learn what the candidates are doing to earn your vote by reading their responses to the League of Women Voters at and to the Chelsea Update “meet the candidates” questions. If you have specific questions for the candidates, ask them directly.
Don’t simply rely on the half-truths in letters from a couple of supporters.
Ann Kwaske
Lima Township Clerk