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Letter to the Editor: Safety during a funeral

By Jean Vargas

Recently, a dear friend’s husband died. While planning the funeral, someone offered to watch the house during the funeral service. Initially, the wife felt this wasn’t necessary. After talking to several others, she became aware of two cases where homes in Lyndon Township were invaded while the family was at the funeral. So she hired a house sitter.

When we returned home after the funeral, the sitter reported that 20 minutes after the service started, a man had quietly pulled into the driveway at the back door; walked to the front door; and rang the bell. When the sitter answered, then man asked for Mike. No Mike lived at this address.

The sitter was sharp enough to say Mike wasn’t home but would return very shortly. The man said to tell Mike that James had stopped by; quickly walked to his red car; and hurried out of the driveway so fast that the sitter wasn’t able to get the license number.

The State Police were notified as they are the coverage for Lyndon Township. They were very kind and attentive; have interviewed the sitter; and even made a trip out to Chelsea with some mug shots.

In case of a funeral, be careful what you put in the obituary regarding any valuables that could be in the house and consider having a house sitter.

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