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Letter to the Editor: Support for Board of Education Candidate Glenn Fox

Dear Editor:

I am beyond excited to be endorsing Dr. Glenn Fox for Chelsea Board of Education.

I am a 1999 Chelsea grad, a mother of a current Chelsea student and a pediatric nurse. I have dedicated my entire life and career to the health and well being of young children/adolescents and I could not be more proud to have such an incredible, intelligent, compassionate, empathetic human to represent our district.

Glenn is a father, a brilliant educator and a research scientist who is dedicating much of his personal time hoping to bring this community together, better and stronger.
It is a most important and difficult time in our world for educators, children. I see firsthand as a pediatric nurse the constant pressures and stresses that are placed on children to just survive and grow up in a world so full of conflict and division.

It is a time to come together, #Strongertogether and I know Glenn is just the person to help with this. Our students deserve a place to feel safe and heard as do our administrators, our staff/teachers, the very people who teach and shape the future for our children.

As a very passionate advocate for the LGBTQ+ community myself having many close family and friends that identify as such I know that Glenn is one that will make sure this community feels supported and safe. Every child deserves to feel that they belong, are loved, nurtured and cared for. Schools with such in tune caring teachers are often the place these students go to feel support. Glenn is just the person to help our district make sure every child as well as our administrators, teachers and staff feel just that.

Kristin Ellis

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