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Lima board to discuss Wolf Development; holds session with Chelsea City Council

By Lisa Carolin

It will be Lima Township’s turn next Monday, Feb. 10, when the Township Board meets to discuss whether to approve plans for Wolf Development, LLC and approve the zoning change from AG-2 (agricultural) to R-1D (residential) and PUD (planned unit development) on Freer Road near Old US-12.

Lima board members held a work session with the Chelsea City Council Feb. 5 at Lima Township Hall to discuss where everyone stands on the Wolf Development, LLC application to build two medical professional buildings and 172 residential units on a 42-acre parcel located on Freer Road.

One topic that participants were divided on was Wolf Development’s request to build two medical professional buildings. David Wolf attended the work session and said that it would be difficult to move forward without the medical buildings, meaning that he would not choose to just pursue the residential part of the proposal as some Chelsea City Council members suggested.

Lima Township Board member Duane Luick was clear on where he stands.

“I’ve talked to all the constituents I could, and this plan is too dense for our residents. The development would funnel traffic to the Freer Road-Old US-12 corridor. The infrastructure has to be bigger to handle that kind of traffic. Some people will take Trinkle Road to Fletcher Road and that will be jammed and dangerous. I don’t want to see overbuilding. I’m looking ahead for my grandchildren and don’t want to give up any land.”

Luick also said he does not want to go into a 425 agreement with Chelsea, though other members of the Lima Township board including Supervisor Craig Maier said they support a 425 agreement.

Jane Pacheco, a member of City Council said, “Maybe the first question is about medical buildings – does Chelsea want them? If Lima isn’t interested in a 425 agreement, then the deal’s dead in the water. This is an opportunity for both Lima Township and Chelsea to gain various things if we are thoughtful in the planning. We as a community need to grow and we want to work together.”

Rick Catherman, a member of City Council, said that if nothing gets built because of the traffic concern in that area, Pierce Lake Elementary School will continue to sit empty because Chelsea will be unable to build housing that will bring people to Chelsea.

“The city needs to expand,” said City Council member Tony Iannelli. “We need housing and the 425 makes sense because it’s a natural expansion of the city. I like the mixed use of the housing that Mr. Wolf is proposing. We need younger residents to fill our schools.”

Council member Peter Feeney said he saw no need for the medical office buildings in that spot and that there were other options.

Chelsea Mayor Melissa Johnson said that there is a variety of open office space in Chelsea where medical buildings could go including the Federal Screw property, the McKinley building, and the Sylvan Building.

Wolf told those in attendance, “My family has been here since the 1880s. If we do anything, it should be something Chelsea wants and should be good for Chelsea. I’ll be flexible to work on a decision that’s good for everybody.”

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