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Lima Township Board approves 2015-16 budget

The Lima Township Board held a public budget hearing on Thursday, March 12 and unanimously approved the township operating budget for 2015-16 $520,339.

This is an about $11,000 increase from the 2014-15 budget of $509,339.

The largest increase is in the highway, street and bridge line item. mainly due to the $15,000 payments this year and next for the new McKinley Road Bridge. This line item has increased from $113,000 in 2014-15 to $130,000 for 2015-16.

Among other highlights in the new budget is a 2-percent increase in salaries for township elected officials. Also receiving small raises are the township secretary, zoning inspector, deputy treasurer, and deputy clerk, who are hourly employees.

The township supervisor, clerk, and treasurer will be paid $26,513.55 in 2015-16, which is up from $25,993.68 in 2014-15. The two township trustees will each receive $3,246.05, up from $3,182.40 in 2014-15.

In other news, the township unanimously approved the 2015 contract with the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) for road projects for an amount not to exceed $130,000, which includes the use of WCRC matching funds. These projects, as well as a cost per project break down, can be viewed here.

The board also unanimously approved the purchase of 34 Neighborhood Watch signs and hardware, at an amount not to exceed $2,000. These signs will be posted wherever there are currently “no thru trucks” signs, as well as on the township’s primary roads.

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