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Main Street Park Alliance Purchases Blighted Federal Screw Works Property

(Chelsea Update would like to thank D&B Strategic Marketing for the information in this story.)

It has been a busy summer for Main Street Park Alliance (MSPA)! The final details were agreed for the acquisition of the 500 S. Main St. property and the purchase agreement was fully executed Aug. 3.

MSPA now has 13 months to complete due diligence on the property to determine if it can be developed into a community park. Environmental testing was expected to begin the week of Aug. 8.

Courtesy photo. A scene from the Federal Screw Works property recently purchased by the Main Street Park Alliance.

During the month of June, with the support of former City of Chelsea interim Manager, Amanda Garber, the Washtenaw County Brownfield Authority granted MSPA $64,500 for environmental testing.

Since then, MSPA has been in conversations with Chelsea’s new City Manager, Roy Atkinson, and has submitted a proposal to establish a partnership for the development and ultimate operation of the park.

Atkinson said, “The City of Chelsea is excited about the continued forward progress toward the conceptual Main Street Park Project. As the Main Street Park Alliance continues to explore the feasibility of this transformative placemaking project, the City of Chelsea is optimistically looking forward to next steps.”

MSPA in conjunction with its environmental consultants, Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy, and relevant parties will assess the property and develop a safe plan for a community park.

Based on their early-stage research, MSPA is optimistic about the potential for this project. Assuming a feasible environmental path forward, MSPA will begin the initial stages of park planning.

In addition to obtaining extensive public and stakeholder feedback, MSPA will engage park planners, landscape architects, and designers in the process. 

The board of Main Street Park Alliance is grateful for the overwhelming community support for the park. Please visit for updates on their progress and join their small gifts campaign if you’d like to show your support by contributing $3-$5. 

Courtesy graphic. A rendering of the Main Street Park.


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