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New Saline-Chelsea high school co-op ski team forming

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Laura Dillmann for the information in this story.)

Any student from Saline and Chelsea High Schools is invited to a cooperative ski race club preseason meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the Saline High School Commons.

What is a co-op?
A co-op means that two schools have agreed to combine athletes for a single team. This is fairly common in ski racing, which is a bit of a niche sport in this area. Saline and Chelsea have agreed to a co-op for the 2017-2018 ski season as we build this new program. The program is run by Saline, but all eligible athletes from both Saline and Chelsea are allowed to join.

What is a ski race club?
As a new team to both schools, we are a club sport. This means that we are self-funded. We compete in both slalom and giant slalom ski races.

Where do you ski?
Both practices and races are held at Mt. Brighton. We are in the Mt. Brighton High School Skiing Association league, approved by both the league and the MHSAA.

Are snowboarders invited to join?
Sorry, boarders. We love ya, but when it comes to racing, it’s a completely different discipline.

What are the team’s goals?
Improve every athlete’s skiing. Period. When your skiing improves, your race times improve, and your enjoyment of the sport increases.

What ability level is needed to join?
You should have some skiing experience, but not necessarily any racing experience. If you’ve never skied before but think you might be interested, we encourage you to take some lessons, ski LOTS, and then come see us.

What if there’s no snow?
We cry a bit, and then we pick our chins up and hit dryland training hard.

For more information and to register visit:

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