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‘Notes from Home’ make life easier for St. Louis Center residents

Photo by Kelly Flaherty.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Kelly Flaherty for the photo and information in this story.)

The residents of St. Louis Center thrive on routine.

Their different abilities struggle when their normal activities are disrupted or changed. You can imagine how difficult it has been for many of them since school and work programs have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely.

Some of the residents have gone for extended stays with family, but many remain quarantined and safe at St. Louis Center.

A comfort has been notes from home. So many cards and letters have been pouring in, providing so much joy to the people who are separated from their friends and family. Look at the weekend haul of notes and cards our residents have gotten.

Thank you to all who have thought about St. Louis Center residents during this crisis. (And, yes, they are all properly disinfected before we pass them out).

We encourage everyone to send notes of encouragement to the residents at St. Louis Center, 16195 W. Old US-12, Chelsea, MI 48118.

Colorful cards and homemade pictures are sure to make them happy. 

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3 thoughts on “‘Notes from Home’ make life easier for St. Louis Center residents”

  1. You know, when this is all over, I encourage you to compile all these local survival stories and coping mechanisms into a book local residents can purchase as a fundraiser.
    Thanks for the wonderful job you are doing of letting our community know how our community is coping at this time of great stress.
    Charlotte Wyche

  2. Spent the afternoon making cards for them. I worked with the developmentally disabled in Northville and A2 so they and the workers have a special place in my heart.

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