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Nov. 12: Thanksgiving Labyrinth Walk at St. Barnabas

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Marion VanLoo for the information in this story.)

There will be a “A Thanksgiving Labyrinth Walk” for the community on Nov. 12, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. on the Labyrinth at St. Barnabas Church, 20500 W Old US-12.

  • Who are the people and what are the events and experiences you are truly grateful for?
  • When do you experience awe, wonder and thankfulness?
  • What invitations from the spirit may you receive by walking the Labyrinth with an intention of gratitude and thanksgiving?

You may bring a non-perishable food item to place on the path as you walk, to be gathered afterward for Faith in Action, Chelsea.

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