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Oct. 1: An Evening of Civil Discourse at Silver Maples

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Emily Meloche for the information in this story.)

An Evening of Civil Discourse will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 6:30 p.m. at Silver Maples of Chelsea, 100 Silver Maples Dr.

For the tenth year, Chelsea’s government representatives have been invited to speak with their constituents about issues of interest.

Attending this year are Chelsea Mayor Melissa Johnson, Washtenaw County Commissioner Jason Maciejewski, State Representative Donna Lasinski, Chris Matus representing US Senator Gary PetersKali Fox representing US Senator Debbie Stabenow, and Dustin Krasny representing US Congressman Tim Walberg.

Will Johnson, Chelsea Community Hospital president emeritus, developed the Evening of Civil Discourse to further thoughtful political discussion and facilitate the connection between Chelsea residents and their government representatives. Johnson acts as moderator for the evening.

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask their representatives questions on a variety of topics including healthcare, education, and the economy.

The event is free and open to the public.

Refreshments will be served.

For more information, contact Emily Meloche at [email protected].


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1 thought on “Oct. 1: An Evening of Civil Discourse at Silver Maples”

  1. Why is there no one to represent our State Senator Lana Theis? Even if she couldn’t attend, I find it inexcusable to not provide a staffer representative.

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