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Oct. 28: Ribbon Cutting and Open House for WSEC Campus Buildings

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Julie Helber for the information in this story.)

The Chelsea School District will be hosting a Ribbon Cutting and Open House on Oct. 28, from 5:30-7 p.m. at 500 Washington St. to unveil renovations to the 400 and 500 buildings on the WSEC Campus.

This event is for the Chelsea School District Community and South and West Washtenaw Consortium families to showcase the renovations made for programming on the WSEC Campus. These renovations were made possible by the Chelsea School District voters by voting to support an $81 Million Bond issue in 2019.  

These innovative sites house Engineering/Robotics, Tech and Design, Cyber Security, and Health Sciences programming. We have a full Robotics field in the 400 building with innovative classroom space that can be used across the district.

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