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Please assist the city with your input as Chelsea begins to update its Master Plan

Chelsea logo 2Chelsea is beginning to update its Master Plan and would like your input.

The Master Plan is “a policy guide for the City’s Planning Commission and the City Council to make decisions related to land use and transportation needs, economic development, commercial and industrial development, quality housing, historic preservation, recreation and entertainment, environmental sustainability, and even public health,” according to the city’s website.

Therefore, the plan should reflect the values of the community and it’s important that residents provide their input.

The city is using an interactive mapping tool to collect input from individuals interested in commenting on the Master Plan. Please click MiCommunity Remarks to launch the tool, then follow the instructions on your screen.

You can also use the links below to review related city documents, which might assist you in understanding the efforts to date.

Current City of Chelsea Master Plan

Parks and Recreation Plan (Draft)

Finally, you can check the city website, attend Planning Commission meetings (in person or watch them on Channel 18, which are also archived online) for updates on this project and further opportunities for involvement.

Chelsea Update will also be following the process and attending the meetings to keep you informed about the progress as well.

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