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Please donate an unwrapped toy to Toys for Tots and Teens

toys-for-tots-and-teens-logo(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bridget Favre for the information in this story.)

Hometown Holiday, in partnership with Palmer Auto Service and Isaac Streich Allstate Insurance Company, has begun collecting donations of new unwrapped toys for the annual ‘Toys for Tots and Teens’ holiday toy drive.

The toys collected are taken to Faith in Action in Chelsea and distributed to local children.

Each year, Faith in Action is in need of toys for boys and girls of all ages, especially teens ages 12 and up. Donations of new unwrapped toys can be placed under ‘Collection Trees’ at Palmer Auto Service located at 222 South Main St. and the new Allstate Insurance Company office at 1161 South Main St. 

In addition to collecting new toys, Streich of Allstate Insurance Company will be donating five dollars to Faith in Action for each insurance quote they do through Dec. 23.

“We are honored to be a part of this Chelsea tradition and to help give back to our neighbors and friends during the Holiday season,” said Streich.

Suzie Palmer Weber, started the program almost 30 years ago when she reached out to Chelsea Schools, Jiffy Mix employees, and the surrounding community to help fulfill the needs of local youth during the holidays. 

Toy donations will be delivered to Faith in Action at noon on Dec. 16, so please have all donations to one of the two centers before that time.

If you have questions, please call the Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce at 475-1145.

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