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Reminder: Pam Radcliffe Memorial Lecture May 12

Radcliffe,-Pamela-web(Chelsea Update would like to thank Jan Carr for the information in this story.)

This is a reminder that the inaugural Pam Radcliffe Memorial Lecture will take place on Thursday, May 12 at 6:30 p.m. at Silver Maples of Chelsea, 100 Silver Maples Dr.

When she retired from her position as assistant director of the Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce, she became a founding member of the Adult Learners Institute (ALI) in Chelsea. When she died of ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) in May 2015, it came as no surprise that she had left a gift to ALI to expand their programming for the Chelsea-area community.

The Adult Learners Institute will honor Pam’s commitment to them, and to her community, by hosting the Inaugural Pam Radcliffe Memorial Lecture.

The history and causes of  ALS, and University of Michigan’s role in unraveling this mystery will be presented by Stephen Aaron Goutman, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology at University of Michigan Health Systems.

He will talk about the causes of ALS, and potential treatment options, including the role of stem cell therapies.

The lecture is free and open to all. No registration is required.
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