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Sept. 24: Help Make a Difference in Your Community

By Lisa Carolin

Come to the Ugly Dog Distillery this Sunday, Sept. 24, and make a difference in the community.

The Faith in Action Fall Fundraiser takes place from 3-6 p.m. at the distillery, located at 218 S. Main St. in Chelsea.

Along with an opportunity to socialize and enjoy BBQ, cocktails, and raffles, the primary goal of the event is to make sure that FIA can continue to make an impact on the community.

Generosity can change lives for people like Annie, who struggles financially as a single mom. Using FIA programs, she knows that her kids will have a new backpack and supplies when they go back to school.

Using the food pantry helps her stretch her limited resources. FIA helped Annie finish her GED, which has given her the ability to apply for better jobs and work toward her goal of being financially independent.

To purchase tickets, use the QR code on the flyer or call 734-475-3305.

It’s not just about raising funds; it’s also about building a community of compassion and generosity that can change lives locally.

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