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Please be respectful in and around Oak Grove and Mt. Olivet cemeteries

There has been an uptick in the number of cars using both the Oak Grove Cemetery and the Mt. Olivet Cemetery private drive as a cut-through.

Cemetery workers report that about 6-10 cars per hour are cutting through the cemeteries. Please be respectful of these special grounds and the people who are there to quietly honor family and friends who have passed on.

And be aware that there have been several close calls between drivers and pedestrians. This is a private drive that should not be used as a shortcut between Freer Road and town.

In addition, there has been a large amount of bagged dog waste in the trash cans at the main entrance to the cemetery. So much dog waste has been left there that employees have had trouble lifting and emptying the waste bin by the main drive because it gets so heavy.

Although it’s wonderful that dog owners are picking up after their dogs, please do not dispose of it at the cemetery. In the summer, the poop bags smell and in the winter, people pile up the bags near the waste bins at the main gate.

Please take your poop bags home with you and dispose of them there.

Please be respectful of these cemeteries.

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