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Please consider being a Waterloo Farm Museum/Dewey School Museum volunteer

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Cheryl Greaney for the information in this story.)

The Waterloo Area Historical Society’s education program has been in existence since 1972, since our founder, Harriett Beckwith, and several teachers created it.

These educators wanted to make certain the children of today understood what many of their ancestors did to create a life here in Michigan for their families. They also wanted the early school system’s form of education experienced at the Dewey School.

Because of the excellence of this program, we have been overwhelmed by area school requesting days this spring to bring their children to the Farm and Dewey School Museums to have this experience.

And once again, we are very short handed at the museums.

Our Education Program consists of a few days in April, several days in May, and a few in June. Each of these days requires at least 4 volunteers to coordinate and teach the children from surrounding counties the importance of the Michigan Farm Pioneer to our society today.

The average amount of time each person will work is once or twice a week. The more help we have the fewer days you will be needed.

We are looking for men and women who are interested in volunteering to help this program continue at the farm as or “Shepherd” to guide children, “Mr. Realy” in the Barn, and “Mrs. Realy” at the Log House, and at Dewey School, “School Marm” or “School Master”.

Your day would consist of arriving one hour before the children arrive to prepare your area, and leave when the children are done for the day. Each school day is different but approximate times are 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Some of the schools that participate are Chelsea, Dexter and Stockbridge, and as far away as Jackson, Howell, Mason and Leslie. Milan and Ann Arbor children have been coming to the farm for many years. Every class brings their own chaperones and of course, the teacher. They all help out during their visit.

If you are interested in being a part of an exciting and very gratifying program, please contact Arlene at 517-851-8745 or email [email protected] for training date and time.

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