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Chelsea Bulldogs wrestle strong, but end day, 2-3

new Chelsea Bulldogs Logo(Chelsea Update would like to thank Wrestling Coach Adam French for the information in this story.)

Once again, the Chelsea Bulldog Wrestling Team went into a weekend tournament without a full line-up and came home on Jan. 18 with a 2-3 team record for the day.

The Bulldogs beat Pinckney, 48-36 and Brighton B, 70-12, but lost to Pioneer 36-33, Gaylord 55-21 and Lumen Christie, 49-28.

“I was very proud of how well we wrestled,” Coach Adam French said, adding, “We don’t have a full line-up but every one of the boys who stepped on the mat wrestled very tough. I think we continue to make progress throughout the year and are poised to finish strong.”

Finishing the day with winning records were: James Gaken (3-2 at 140 lbs), Paul Heck (3-2 at 171/189 lbs), Noah Manly (3-2 at 189/215 lbs), Jacob Gaken (4-1 at 285 lbs), Steve Bleise (5-0 at 145/152 lbs), and Ryan Eisley (5-0 at 171/189 lbs).

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