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July 1 at the Wednesday Farmers Market

Photo by Lisa Carolin. Kettle corn is expected at Wednesday’s Farmers Market.

By Lisa Carolin

Round out your garden with transplants from the Wednesday Chelsea Farmers Market.

You’ll also find plenty of strawberries this Wednesday, along with salad greens, beets, cheese, fresh baked goods, and kettle corn.

The Wednesday market runs from 1-5 p.m. and is located in the parking lot of the Chelsea State Bank at the intersection of M-52 and Old US-12.

Vendors and shoppers are asked to follow market protocols by Chelsea Farmers Market Manager Emily Griswold:

  • If you have any signs of illness, please stay home.
  • Everyone is encouraged to wear a mask, and vendors, volunteers, and market staff are required to wear a face mask.
  • Everyone is asked to practice social distancing of 6-10 feet and not to linger.

Hand washing stations will be available, and there will be one-way pedestrian traffic to reduce congestion with one entrance and one exit.

Vendors will choose, assemble and bag items, and shoppers are asked not to touch or sample any product they are not buying.

Anyone with questions is encouraged to go to the market’s website: or to check for updates on social media.

Photo by Lisa Carolin. Visitors to Wednesday’s Farmers Market could find pottery for purchase.
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