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June 12: Chelsea Kiwanis Club to hear from Katie McGlashen

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bob Milbrodt for the information in this story.)

Last Monday, the Chelsea Kiwanis Club visited their friends at the Saline Kiwanis Club where they joined with Kiwanians from Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Belleville, and Manchester to hear an important health message entitled “Dare to be 100”.

The speaker was Dr. Victor Katch, a professor of Kinesiology and Pediatrics at U of M. He revealed that how long we can expect to live is based 30 percent on our genes, 20 percent on chance, but 50 percent on lifestyle. He highlighted the “Blue Zones”, a book written by Dan Beuttner, which found the cultures in the world where people lived the longest. In Sardinia, men have a life expectancy of 95, and in Okinawa he found the oldest women. Four characteristics are associated with these groups. They move more, eat a plant based diet, maintain strong social connections, and have purpose in their lives.

This Monday, club members will hear from Katie McGlashen, interpreter at Eddy Discovery Center.  She will talk about what makes the Waterloo Recreation Area so important to birders, botanists, runners, hunters, and fishermen. The Discovery Center has many programs for young and old alike year-round.

The club meeting begins each Monday at 6:15 p.m. in the St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea Hospital cafeteria, and the speakers begin at about 6:45 p.m. 

Everyone is invited to the club’s meetings to learn about Kiwanis.

Go to for more information.

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