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Letter to The Editor: Every Black Life Matters

Dear Editor:

The tragic killing of George Floyd has sparked a national discussion on violence, race, and government oppression. As a result, people of all backgrounds have shown solidarity to affect change.

The black lives matter rallies, including the ones here in Chelsea, allow citizens to voice their concerns and empathy with those whose lives are marginalized by individual wrong actions and unjust structures.

We live in a visual culture. Images shape our National Conscience. If not for the sickening video of Mr. Floyd’s death, much of the same apathy and indifference would continue.

Many incidences of unseen violence and racism still remain across society, however. There is no greater example of this than the killing of nearly 300,000 black babies each year through the horror of abortion. Planned Parenthood, who set a record last year for abortions performed, snuffs out more than 100,000 black lives annually.

Non-white abortions account for roughly 2/3 of the U.S. total, ending black lives in a disproportionate rate. Abortion cheapens the value of all human life. Is it surprising that a country which kills nearly 1 million of its own children each year seems so callous when faced with injustice applied to the most vulnerable citizens?

An unborn child is a human being. From the moment of conception, she possesses a unique DNA, completely unique and separate from both the mother and father. These humans are the most vulnerable and helpless among us, and the power structures in our society conspire to marginalize and eliminate them. Sound familiar?

If these acts of violence were captured on video, there would be righteous outrage and protests. The killing of black babies by those who possess authority over them is a national shame which cheapens the value of all life of any age.

The Knights of Columbus is a Fraternal and Charitable organization that raises nearly $200 million each year to uplift the needy in our society and around the world. The Knights have purchased nearly 1000 Ultrasound machines for use across the country, assisting expectant mothers of all races.

The Guadalupe Workers is a group that heroically provides counseling, food, clothing, and medical care to poor mothers (predominately people of color) and their children in the Detroit area. These and many other organizations seek to provide hope and material support to those facing extraordinary challenges. We encourage readers to investigate and support these and other groups that provide worth and hope to the downtrodden.

Every Black Life Matters. We ask that you join us in seeking justice for all the voiceless in our society, both born and unborn.


Caring Citizens for Justice

Alicia Wong Edmund Miller Rachel McCormick
David Parham Julie Swager Howard K. Kaak
Kathy M. Potts John McCormick Rod Anderson
Jack Hastings Eric Swager Tim Muckle
Beth Thorrez John McCormick Maria Miceli Dotterweich


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6 thoughts on “Letter to The Editor: Every Black Life Matters”

  1. I agree it is a travesty that so many women, especial women who are black, are provided no viable alternatives to abortion due to the fact that there are huge imbalances in wages, access to education, healthcare, and housing. The best way to resolve this is to legislate that women and people of color have equal rights, equal protections under the law, equal wages, equal access to housing and health care.

  2. ALL Lives Matter. Born and UNBORN. No one race is superior or “matters” more than the others. Starting right NOW. Leave what happened in the past behind – you can’t fix it; but you can live for now, and look forward to the future. Until you do, NOTHING will change.

  3. “An unborn child is a human being.” I guess this is the assumption upon which issue revolves. I am pro-life but not because I can accept this assumption 100%. If this assumption were a fact, there would be nothing to argue. In fact, it is not an accepted fact, just an opinion held by some people. What humanizing efforts on the part of our society (and I would throw government in on that) can we pursue to decrease the occasion for abortion? Can we allow CHOICE and provide accessible alternatives to abortion for women to choose?

    • What else would it be? When a dog is pregnant we are always certain that it will have puppies, or the cat is pregnant with kittens, so why are we so confused about what a pregnant human is carrying in the womb? I do not believe that it is an opinion.

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