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Material Girls give $5000 to Faith in Action

Courtesy photo. Material Girls Leadership Team presenting the check to Julie Ripberger from FIA. front: left to right: Sherri Plank, Deb Holefka, Arlene Wiltse, Janie Brooks, Phyllis Tillman back: left to right: Chris Frayer, Kelly Stoker, Lexa O’Brien, Sue McCalla, Brandy Novack, Barbara Brown, Julie Ripberger from FIA, Janet Alford, Marjorie Switz, Sue Yager, Susie Wescott missing: Faye Frederick, Janet Nightingale
Courtesy photo. Material Girls Leadership Team presenting the check to Julie Ripberger from FIA. front: left to right: Sherri Plank, Deb Holefka, Arlene Wiltse, Janie Brooks, Phyllis Tillman
back: left to right: Chris Frayer, Kelly Stoker, Lexa O’Brien, Sue McCalla, Brandy Novack, Barbara Brown, Julie Ripberger from FIA, Janet Alford, Marjorie Switz, Sue Yager, Susie Wescott
missing: Faye Frederick, Janet Nightingale

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Barbara Brown for the information in this story.)

Members of Material Girls hosted the 6th annual Children’s Christmas Bazaar on Dec. 5 and a check for $5,000, the profits from the bazaar, was given to Julie Ripberger of Faith in Action (FIA) at a meeting of the Leadership Team.

The group expressed their appreciation for the many ways FIA serves families in Chelsea and gave them the check to help support their programming in 2016.

The Material Girls, a 96-member organization, meets at Chelsea First United Methodist Church from February through November, on the second Tuesday of the month. Between noon and 2:30 pm, members make the gifts that more than 350 children will purchase at the next bazaar.

This year, members made 5,000 gifts, which they sold at four bazaars. The 700 gifts that were left over will be taken to Cass Community Social Services in Detroit for their Christmas Store. At the same time the gifts are delivered, 200 pairs of hand-made, felted wool mittens will be delivered for the homeless in the neighborhoods of both Cass Community Social Services and the Brightmoor Campus. The mittens were made by the Material Girls and the youth at Chelsea First United Methodist Church.

For more information about Material Girls, contact Barbara Brown [email protected].

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