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Oct. 7: 7 Outdoor skills everyone should know at the Discovery Center

Courtesy photo.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Kathy Claflin for the information in this story and the Waterloo Natural History Association for sponsoring it.)

On Sunday, Oct. 7, from 2-3:30 p.m., the program Seven Outdoor Skills Everyone Should Know will take place at the Discovery Center.

Sure, your iPhone has an app for everything, and you won’t get lost using your GPS. But what if your batteries die?

In this hands-on workshop, Meg Gower and Ryan Dibble will show you ways to navigate, as well as basic survival skills.

Learn how to make fire without matches, build a shelter, locate water, signal, and more.

Aimed at ages 10 to adult.

Cost: $2/person or $5/family.

Gerald E. Eddy Discovery Center, 17030 Bush Road in Sylvan Township.

Advance registration required at 734-375-3170, as this program is limited to 25 people.

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