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Arts, Books and Entertainment

I love cozy mysteries.

And as some of you may remember, in 2011, I wrote a weekly review for called “Cozy Corner,” but what you might not know is that a number of authors included quotes from my reviews in their newest books.

It feels strange quoting myself, but here’s an example from the first page of “When the Cookie Crumbles,” by Virginia Lowell, which will be available in August.  “Virginia Lowell made me a cookie cutter convert with her cleverly crafted Cookie Dough or Die. In fact, I unearthed my mother’s collection and looked at it in a whole new way after finishing this yummy tale … The writing is strong, the story line engaging, the characters ones you’d like to be your friends ….”

So, I will continue my reviews on Chelsea Update.

In addition, I know there are a lot of wonderful local artists in the area, and Chelsea Update will cover the local arts and entertainment scene as well.

So, if you know an artist in Chelsea, Sylvan, Lima, Lyndon or Dexter townships who would make a good feature, email us and let me know.

For now, you can click on pictures in the gallery for larger versions.

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September 21, 2009:
Rick DeTroyer’s metalwork

no images were found

August 11, 2009:
Kathryn G. Carras’ knitted dolls

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