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Women’s Bible study class begins Sept. 24


(Chelsea Update would like to thank Gretchen Zale  for the information in this announcement.)

A new Bible study class will begin Tuesday, Sept. 24 that is open to women in Chelsea and the surrounding area at the Chelsea Free Methodist Church.

The course features Beth Moore and is for those who want to dig deeper into God’s Word.

“Jesus, the One and Only” is the first of the 2013 – 2014 series that will take place from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at the Washington Street Education Center in the 400 Building.

Women of all ages, faith backgrounds, and levels of understanding of the Bible are welcome.

Covering the life of Jesus based upon the book of Luke, Moore leads attendees on a life-changing journey through the hills of Galilee with the Teacher, across the lake with the Master, and finally on the road toward the cross with the Savior—getting to know Jesus intimately as if walking with Him during His days of earthly ministry.

Each class consists of a brief introduction by the session leader Laurie Gravelyn, small group discussions on the current week’s lesson, and a Beth Moore video presentation of the next week’s lesson.

Classes for this first series continue weekly through Dec. 10.

Workbooks for “Jesus, the One and Only” are $20 each and are available at the first class for those who pre-register.

Walk-in participants may purchase workbooks on Sept. 24 while supplies last.

To pre-register online, go to or email [email protected].

For more information, please contact Juli Turner at 734-972-9957 or the CFMC office: 734-475-1391.

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