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WWRA: don’t waste your money

Courtesy photo.
Courtesy photo.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Laura Scriven and the Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority for the information in this column.)

People everywhere are pinching their pennies and making sacrifices in their lifestyles to make ends meet.

Why, then, are some people, literally throwing away their money?

When Frank Hammer, chairman of Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority, was recently driving through downtown Chelsea on trash day, he was saddened and angered.

Saddened because he saw many of the orange garbage bags bursting at the seams from cardboard begging to be recycled.

Angered because people were paying twice for the same service.

Through the City of Chelsea assessments, people are paying for the convenience of having curbside pickup of their recycling.

If they are not using it, not only are they paying for an unused service, but also they are also paying extra for the purchase of the orange garbage bags due to an increase of trash.

Residents are, essentially, paying twice for the disposal of the same materials.

Cardboard was the obvious material not being recycled, but how many other materials are being overlooked or misplaced?

Through the revenue created by the sale of the recycled items, WWRA is working hard to make sure that we are self-sufficient, which will lead to a reduction in the assessments paid yearly.

Make sure that you are getting your money’s worth.

Recycle everything that can be recycled — including the lowly toilet paper tube.

Questions or comments should be directed to Laura Scriven at [email protected]..

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