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Chelsea Vietnam veterans focus of new documentary film

For those of you who have seen the documentaries on the farming community, one-room school houses, village life, WWII and Korean War veterans, you’ll be excited to hear that the next project will be a Vietnam Veterans Memorial documentary.

Chelsea District Library Director Bill Harmer says the sixth documentary focusing on Chelsea-area people will begin filming later this month with Rob Coelius of Video Farm Productions behind the camera.

Harmer recently met with Craig Maier, American Legion Post 31 financial officer, and they are looking for about 15 local Vietnam veterans who are willing to tell their stories.

Maier said this documentary will be similar to the Korean War film in which Chelsea area veterans talked about their experiences from the time they were drafted (or enlisted) through their time in Vietnam and then what it was like returning home.

“We are looking for the Chelsea experience going through this war,” Maier said.

The stories will be part of this living history documentary series, which, they hope, will premiere on Veteran’s Day — just as the Korean War veteran’s film did last year.

“We’re searching for Vietnam veterans so we can continue to tell the stories of our hometown heroes,” Harmer said.

In addition, about half the funds needed for the project have been raised, but Harmer and Maier said about $7,000 is needed to complete the Vietnam Veterans Memorial film.

So, if you know a Chelsea area Vietnam veteran who would like to be a part of the documentary, let Harmer know by calling him at 475-4268 or by emailing him at [email protected].

And, if you’d like to make a donation of any amount to help make this film a reality, checks can be sent to Harmer at the library in care of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Project.

For a look at the previous living history documentary films, click here.



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