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Chelsea Relay for Life looking for new volunteers and teams

Surely you received a 2013 calendar for Christmas this year — so it’s time to start marking it, and here are three very important dates to mark in pen.

*Jan. 8 at 5:30 p.m.

*Feb. 19 at 7 p.m.

*May 18-19, 10 a.m.-10 a.m.

Why? Because these are the dates for this year’s organizational meetings as well as the big event — the Chelsea Relay For Life.

The Chelsea Relay For Life 2013 Planning Committee is being formed and your help is needed for this American Cancer Society signature fundraising event.

“It brings local communities together to fight back against a disease that has taken too much from all of us,” says Max Brennan of the American Cancer Society.

This year’s event will take place on Saturday, May 18 at 10 a.m. and run through Sunday, May 19 at 10 a.m. at Pierce Lake Elementary School.

Brennan says there are a number of ways you can get involved to help with this year’s event, which he hopes will be the best one ever.

New faces are needed to volunteer for the planning committee, which involves a team of talented volunteers to attend monthly meetings and help chart the course for this year’s event.

The first meeting will take place Tuesday, Jan. 8 from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Woodland Rooms downstairs from the main entrance of the Chelsea Community Hospital, and pizza will be provided.

If you’d like to form a team to participate in this year’s relay, then attend the Kickoff Party on Tuesday, Feb. 19 from 7-8 p.m. at The Depot on Jackson Street.

“By participating in Relay For Life, you are fueling the mission of the American Cancer Society, which is saving lives by helping people Stay Well, Get Well, Find Cures, and Fight Back!,” Brennan says.

And, some of the proceeds will stay in Chelsea and be given the volunteer-driven program “Road to Recovery,” the American Cancer Society’s transportation assistance program through which volunteer drivers donate their time and the use of their vehicles to drive cancer patients to their life-saving treatments.

Through Road To Recovery, Brennan says, more than 150 rides have been provided to patients in Washtenaw County this year.

“Cancer patients receiving their treatment on-time and without unnecessary interruption is a necessity for successful treatment of the disease,” he says.

And, if you would like to learn more about receiving a ride to treatment or volunteering to drive for the program call the American Cancer Society at 800-227-2345.

“The American Cancer Society is dedicated to serving the people of Chelsea with programs like Road To Recovery and many others,” he says, adding, “Your involvement in Relay For Life allows for these programs to exist and is the reason why the American Cancer Society is the largest private fundraiser for cancer research in the world.”

He urges everyone in the community to give the team to make this year’s event the best to date.

For more information on how you can get involved please contact Max Brennan at 248-663-3480 or email him at [email protected].

You can also check out this website:

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