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Former Sylvan Township board members presented special American flags

From left Reuben Lesser, Bob Lange, LuAnn Koch, Arlene Grau and Mark Ouimet.
From left Reuben Lesser, Bob Lange, LuAnn Koch, Arlene Grau and Mark Ouimet.

Mark Ouimet was on a special mission as one of the guests at a luncheon at Thompson’s Pizzeria on Thursday afternoon, March 28.

Following a get together lunch of the former Sylvan Township staff and elected officials, he presented Bob Lange, LuAnn Koch, Arlene Grau and Reuben Lesser with special American flags, which previously flew over the Capitol Building in Lansing.

The 3×5 United States flags came with a certificate with the date the flag had been flown in Lansing.

“It was an honor and a pleasure to be able to present the board with a flag from our country,” Ouimet said.

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5 thoughts on “Former Sylvan Township board members presented special American flags”

  1. The presentation of the flags was for the many years of
    service that these people had given as Sylvan Township
    board members. I feel they well deserved the honor. My
    family and many others do thank you for your dedication.

  2. Although I do agree that quite a few years of service (for which they were monetarily compensated for at the agreed upon amount) to the township were provided by these previous board members, I might have found it pretty difficult to afford to pay for any more of the type of leadership that a number of these members have managed to leave the Township residents responsible for – potentially for the next 20 years. I am not really sure why there seems to be a need to congratulate people for actually doing the job which they were paid to do. Isn’t that kind of the minimum expectation? And then to imply that the product of those efforts was somehow exceptional (with everyone facing the resulting price tag) is somehow confusing.

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